We were set apart today by our Stake President, Damon Bahr, as full time missionaries to serve in the Nauvoo temple. We will finish getting the house ready over the next three days and drive away Thursday morning the 21st. It will be a 2-day drive for us; we need to be present for "duty" at 10 am on Saturday the 23rd.
The family gathered en masse for Sacrament meeting. Two unprecedented events occurred during the meeting: the first was only unprecedented in our experience in our current ward. There were more people than sacrament cups and the water needed to be blessed a second time when an extra tray was filled. It's part of what happens when you invite industrial strength family to your meeting. The second event occurred likely for the first time anywhere. The pulpit needed to be raised for Mimi after a charming but very small Deacon was the youth speaker.
All of our Utah kids' families (including David and Caroline Gutierrez) were represented, along with Darrell & Janae Harker who earned the longest journey award by coming from Edmonton. We also had Tob & Sue Wright, Curtis Bybee, Dave Wright, Andy & Valerie Anderson, the three Swan sisters, Terry & Jamie Taylor, Chuck & Fran Moulton, Gena Roe, Tom and Sheila Barcklay, Rob & Kyle Line, Kam & Nicole Otte, Ann Cox, the Cliff Pynes, Nancy and Ty Wilhite, Bethany Barrus and gee whiz we hope we didn't leave anyone out.
Many of the crew came to the house for dinner before returning to the church for the setting apart. By setting up tables in the garage as well as upstairs and downstairs, there was remarkably little congestion or noise. Go figure.